Friday, June 06, 2008

Summer Stuff

I couldn't resist showing this photo from the beach trip. The starfish seems to pick one arm and propel itself in that direction with all the tiny legs on the underside waving. Very interesting to watch. When a wave comes over, the legs go back out evenly, back to a star shape.

Zucchini blossom. I wish I had enough to stirfry them in butter, but I (wisely) only planted one zucchini plant. I don't LOVE zucchini and I think I'll have more fruit than I want with just one plant. I have two summer squash plants coming along, also with the edible blossom/baby fruit.

The green beans are needing support. I'm getting dh on that this weekend.

Weeding help. I think I've created a monster. I was using a claw to dig up some grass runners and little pup wants a part of the action.

She is learning to swim. We are trying to show her how to find the steps in the pool so she can get out if she accidentally falls in. She is terrified of course, but this is one of those safety things we have to teach her. She's definitely not a water dog.

I did a little letterboxing this week while my youngest is at sports camp. The camp is in an area with a lot of boxes, which I don't get to very often although it's close by.

There are two extra girls at my house who spent the night after last night's swim meet party. They were up really late and I won't be here to see them off to swim practice this morning because I'm taking ds to camp. It's so strange having kids old enough to get themselves where they need to be. I really like it though. . .

My friend's dd went with us on vacation and stayed here all week, so I'm delivering her back this weekend. My brother is breezing into town briefly at some point, so he might come by. Dh is leaving for Europe on Sunday, so I'll be on my own next week.

I'm not making anything much, a pair of socks on the needles barely started. I've been working on the garden and sitting by the pool reading mostly (the new David Sedaris book, can't put it down). Have a great weekend. . .



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