Two More Valentine's Dishcloths

This is the Heart Lace Cloth from Smariek Knits. This came out looking very nice. Some of the abbreviations used in this pattern are not standard, which means read carefully. When it says M1, it really means M1, K1 in standard knitting pattern terminology, which threw me for a loop. I finally figured it out after sleeping on it.

This cloth is the Knitted Heart Cloth from Purple Duckie. I made a mistake near the bottom of this one, which I didn't notice until I took a photograph. I guess I made this while watching dd's basketball game, oops.
I like both of these cloths because they are stockinette. They are thinner, making them better face cloths than the garter stitch versions. I have a few tiny bits of pink cotton yarn left -- maybe I'll try to cobble together a couple more of these. My hands don't really like the cotton, they were actually happy to go back to working on the Koigu Clapotis a little over the weekend.
I dug around in the basement over the weekend, and found some old dresses that I made for dd, plus some pretty knitted items my mom made for her. They were in a box that had a lot of dirt and crud in them, so I'm washing them, pressing them, and trying to pack them away properly this time. I think they'll make some fun blog posts. . . ah, memories. . . and some really crappy sewing.
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