Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Toe Up Socks

I finished the first one, and it fits pretty well. I think the second one will go quickly now that I figured out and practiced the short row toe and heel. The provisional cast on is very fiddly -- I can't really see any advantage over the design of a top down, unless you had really large feet and ran out of yarn all the time. There's no way I could have used the entire ball for one sock, unless I wanted to do some calf shaping, and I don't. The only time I ever ran out of yarn was with Koigu and I learned to buy 3 skeins instead of two.

I was reading Wendy's Book last night about why she prefers toe up and it's basically because she doesn't want to kitchener. I keep a small cheat sheet in with my pattern that shows the steps, so I don't have to memorize it. It's not a big problem, really. BTW, the book has some cute sweater patterns in it.

Yesterday's sunrise. (Blogger wouldn't let me post yesterday.) When I turned around I could see a small rainbow. I haven't often seen sunrises (I accidentally typed *sunset* if that tells you anything) because I like to sleep until daylight. I think my body is programmed that way. I would be in big trouble if I lived very far north.

I was glad to be home this weekend, but it was one of those weekends filled with parades, carnivals, pony rides, bouncy castles, popcorn, cotton candy, and petting zoos. I was too dumb to know to park close to the finish line of the parade, rather than at the start, so dd and I had to hike all the way back to the car after one of the carnivals. My feet still hurt. . .

Last night I spent some time looking at the October Burda WOF and there is a jacket calling my name. I hope to be sewing again by the end of the month.


Blogger Debbie Cook said...

Toe up, kitchener ... all foreign words to me, the non-knitter. ;-) But I love seeing all of your knitting projects. And your sewing room is going to be TDF!!!

7:41 AM  

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