Thursday, January 17, 2008

Almost a Snow Day

This was going to be a post about No Knead Bread but instead it's about bitter disappointment.

We had all this:

And still, they had to go to school today.

Behold the remains of a stamped on, rained on, snowman.

The kids played in the snow for almost two hours last night, and then I let them stay up even longer because I thought *surely the roads will ice up tonight*, but no. Only rain and holding steady at 34F. So close, so close.

More bitter disappointment. I got the latest Cook's Illustrated which has a new version of the recipe in it. Basically you add some vinegar and beer to it and give it a light kneading instead of no kneading. Like a fool, I followed their instructions for cooking times (not remembering that last time I burned it slightly) which was a mistake. Next time, I'll reduce the temp to 450, and only cook it for 25 mins covered, with no uncovered time.

Oh and BTW, last night I had a slice buttered (cutting off the burned bottom crust) and it was delicious, although my undiscerning taste buds couldn't tell much difference from the addition of the beer and vinegar.



Blogger vickibarkley said...

Here's a link to a discussion of that recipe. Haven't tried it myself. I'm not in baking mode right now. I am, however, becoming a bit of a wine geek. Chowhound is very entertaining!

my ID is vickib

8:48 AM  

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