Blackberries and Strawberries
I have to rave about my new Blackberry Storm. Since I don't have a laptop computer, this is the next best thing. I've also been looking for some kind of PDA type device to store letterboxing and geocaching clues. The paper I used to print on would be a stack as tall as I am.
Here are things I've been using on it:
1. Web browser -- great for crossword puzzle stumpers
2. Camera -- you've seen the pix here, nuff said
3. Email -- wonderful to have access while out of town
4. Texting -- how I communicate with the kids
5. 3rd party apps -- Facebook, Twitterberry, Cacheberry, Flickr, Google Maps, I'm sure there are more, but these are what I'm using now.
6. Calendar -- trying to go from paper to Blackberry - only wish they would show the evening hours, instead of only day time.
7. Phone
Not using -- VZ Navigator (not paying extra for GPS when I have two devices already), Visual Voice Mail (wha?), IM programs, or Games.
I've only had one of the buggy problems this phone is known for, and that is it suddenly losing its connection. You just have to go to the Manage Connections menu and reconnect.
I now know how to get rid of the Verizon tags that were appended to my blog posts I sent in. I read somewhere to add #end to the end of your entry and that will strip away the spammy stuff. Need to test it out.
Shout out to Teri, you were right about the Blackberry!
On to strawberries.
Blooming and looking good. Not seeing much bee activity. Hmph.
I love this photo because you can see the stages of the berries forming. Hope it won't be long.
Took my little buddy geocaching this morning. Had to bathe her because the poison ivy is sprouting in the woods. She is napping like a champ after the hike and the bath.
I knew blackberries were goodbut not that they were THAT good;-D
I've enjoyed reading about your vacation, it seems like you've had a great time- apart from the sunscreenallergy that is...
And I envy you a garden that is already almost green- haven't seen any strawberryleaves yet! But it's still very early, and still cold at night! But I did see the first little sprout of asparagus today! This is our first year with asp., we got a few plants from hubby's uncle, and they seem to have survived the move!
Have a lovely Spring:-)
Yay!! so glad you have joined the ranks of the crackberries. :)
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